You are still a kleptomanic rabbit head with wings. And in great danger of becoming extinct. After stealing the precious gold coins from a dinosaur (it's a T-Rex!), you fly over small hills and have the sudden urge to get shot and lose your coins while avoiding death by stone or arrow.
The game started out in 2010 as Android Java game (using OpenGL ES 1.1), and was then ported to C++/Qt for multiple mobile devices (N900, N8-00, N9, Pre 2, iOS, QNX). A Homebrew port to the 3DS was done in 2016, making use of its unique auto-stereoscopic display and sensors.
Open Source
The source code for That Rabbit Game 2 is available here: trg2-2.0.0.tar.gz (GPLv3, 636 KiB)